Friday, February 27

kids craft corner

Here is my son's craft corner.
It is a bit of a mess right now - it was his birthday a few weeks ago, so he received new supplies and he's had a lot of projects "under construction".
You will notice my table to the left. That way (theoretically) I can be working and look up from my sewing machine to see what he's doing. It doesn't quite work out that way, but that's my dream! It also means that all my supplies are at hand, so if he needs to borrow my scrapbooking scissors or yarn or ribbons, we don't have to go far!
The baby gate is the entry to the kitchen so it's easy access for all things messy (paint, playdoh). The playdoh and paint are in tubs to take into the kitchen, and all other crafting things (pencils, markers, stickers, paper, pom poms, pipe cleaners, etc.) are in the drawers in the black and white plastic containers.
He also has a "road trip bag" for a quick grab if we're going someplace. It has a couple special things - wikki stix, post-its, clipboard, and a couple standbys like pencils and crayons.
You will also notice a cork strip above his work space - it's for displaying his special works. Right now it has a couple pictures from his birthday party.
Check out flipflops & applesauce for more kids craft spot ideas.


  1. I love the craft corner! Everything right at his fingertips.
    Do you like the wikki stix? We've never used those before.
    Thanks for visiting Flipflops and Applesauce.

  2. My kids have their own craft space too; however, like their mother, they often creep out into all parts of the house with their projects. So it's always an adventure!


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