OK. So I've decided it is my lot in life to reinvent the wheel... do things the hard way first... and most importantly learn from my mistakes. Yeah, something like that.
Our neighbor generously gave us a bunch of Jona-free apples from his tree. YAY! A few had worm holes, boo. We just cut out the yucky parts and got down to the business of making applesauce. I quartered them, added water and sugar, and started cooking them up.
After 20 minutes, we opened up the pot, stirred just a little and this is what we saw.

It was at that point I was seriously rethinking my "easy" project. So, I guess maybe I should have peeled them first? I don't mind a little chunk to my applesauce, but it was a nice mush of apples, and a whole lot of slimy peels? No thank you. So, what's a girl to do? Try and strain it? Cut up the peels somehow? Put it in the blender? Do I cool it first? What would you have done?
Well... take a guess what I did. It looks worse in person than it does in the picture. It became this really creamy mushy stuff. I hope the kids like it. Just seems like a waste of good apples to me.

(yeah, I didn't let it cool & put it in the blender. wrong choice.)
I probably would have done the same, might have cooled it first? I guess that's why my mom always peeled the apples before cooking them for applesauce?
My mother doesn't peel them first ... but she does have an apple sauce mill (aka baby food mill, from the days when most people actually made baby food). It's sort of a cross between a ricer and a mouli grater. Keeps it grainy-ish like it should be.
What you've got could be used in cooking, though (the health-food substitute-applesauce-for-whatever concept), if they don't like it...
Hey, I've done all that, too! Your grandma used a sieve and a special wooden tool to press the cooked apples through, and the peels stay behind. Great idea about using it for cooking - like in apple cake or apple bread. Call me for a recipe.
You can use Applesauce to subsitute for half the oil when making boxed brownie mix! Makes brownies healthier
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