Rainy days always make us a little restless. We want sun, we want a change of activity, and this is what we did...

Color the paper plate yellow and run a glue stick around the edge a couple times.

I tore up some leftover yellow streamers into little yellow pieces. I put a bunch on Abby's to help her fill hers up. Conner made his own little strips and lined them up neatly around the edge.

Then it was time to get messy with the inkpad!

Fingerprints turned into seeds!! We then hung them up in the window that looks out over our sunflowers. It added a little something bright to our day. We can't wait for the actual sunflower to start bearing seeds. It has been fun watching it grow up taller and taller in the window, though!
Absolutely adorable - project and kids!!
Oh that I had the patience to allow for such a mess (even though it appears your children kept it contained) ... But, I do see my neighbors sunflowers starting to peak over my fence ... so, I'll just imagine that Lubbock made those ;)
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