What can I say. I'm a TOTAL Little House fan. I even dressed up as her once for Halloween and made my husband be Almonzo. (What a great guy!) So these are of course part of my collection!
I just love that it's a way to show my son about pioneer life in a way that's different but still interesting to him. The dad loves tickle games (just like his daddy) and the kids celebrate Christmas with their cousins. We are determined to make candy like they did with molasses on snow!!!
We have alot of the same likes when it comes to books.
Little HOuse was always one of my favorites growing up, along with Anne of Green Gables.
And now my 8 year old daughter has the complete Little house collection and loves to read them.
2 years ago her Grandma made her a dress and matching bonnet for Halloween. She said she was Mary, not Laura because she has blonde hair.
There's a twitter user named @halfpintingalls That's some funny stuff.
I love the Little House books!
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