Saturday, May 16

marking and making

You thought it was time to sew, right? Sorry, one more little step first. Time to check your markings. Trust me, it's easier now!

First - Check and make sure you've snipped all the triangle spots.
Second - Check for buttonholes. Use a pencil, pen, or special marking pencil. Put the dots where they tell you to.
Third - are there any fold lines, hem lines, or any other special points to match up? Best to check now. Trust me, I've tried to go back later and it's easier now!!!

Just a couple more tips before we start sewing...
* Read through the directions. Even if you're confused, read through it all.
* Look through all your notions again... won't it be pretty once it's all put together?

We'll be starting our sewing in a couple of days. Don't be afraid. It'll be fun!

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