After Abby goes to bed, the rest of us get ready for our Sunday sundae bar. (half the fun is saying it that way really fast lots of times.) And before you go all feeling bad for Abby, remember she is only 13 mo. old - she'll be included when she gets older, don't worry!
Basically, we pull out whatever goodies we've got & heap up our bowl full of yummies. You will notice bananas, crushed pineapple, cherries, caramel Magic Shell, chocolate Magic Shell, regular Caramel, Whipped Cream, sprinkles, pecans, sprinkles, Hershey's toppings sprinkles, and Cupcake Magic Shell.
Yes - you heard me right - Cupcake Magic Shell. Oh my goodness. This was a new find for this week -and it is SO good! Have you tried it??!!!
This is my bowl. Rather traditional, I know - Oreos, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, Cookie Dough ice cream, sprinkles of both varieties, and Cupcake Magic Shell.
My dear husband informed me (after I took the picture) that I forgot to include the Hershey's strawberry syrup. Sorry honey, it's just not on my yummy list, so I forgot. This is what his bowl looks like. yowza. Can you tell he likes whipped cream???!!!!
I made him take a bite to show you - crushed pineapple, strawberry syrup, strawberry ice cream, vanilla ice cream, Cupcake Magic Shell, and I don't even know what else. His favorite part - the cherry on top, I think!
And of course, the most satisfied person of all. He doesn't need much (although I'm sure that will change as he gets older!). He had one scoop of Cookie Dough ice cream, a few sprinkles, some Magic Shell chocolate, and he was good to go.
Since it's Sunday night and we're usually coming off a fun-filled weekend and gearing up for Daddy going back to work - we have added another special part to our evening. As we're sitting around eating our ice cream, we share our favorite parts of the weekend. Sometimes we all have one moment that was our absolute favorite, sometimes we're all different. It's especially fun to see what Conner remembers and what was special to him. Then we try and think of something we're looking forward to in the coming week. I know for some people ice cream before bedtime wouldn't work well for their kids. Conner has never been one to get too hyped up on sugar. It works out so well for us and is a nice way to end our weekend/ start our week. If someone else happens to be with us on Sunday night - they're included too! (So who's going to show up on our doorstep next Sunday night?!)
Save a bowl for me!
YUMMM !!! ; *D
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i LOVE this! we just started forming a sundae toppings collection in our kitchen, and we've been frequenting it a bit too often. i love the idea of making it on sundays as a special treat and especially making it a family time of talking about the weekend and week to come!
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